Search PPP Loan List in litchfield, Minnesota

Small Business Administration (SBA) released a list of all the businesses their loan amount with Bank and business details.\

Business Name
Candace Fank
$ 6,370
Wells Fargo Bank, National Association
Kimberly Kay Ertl Llc
$ 6,306
Center National Bank
Diane Jones
$ 6,099
Home State Bank
Carl Gunnerson
$ 5,831
Citizens Bank & Trust Co
Vaughn W. Euerle
$ 5,800
Center National Bank
Meeker County Historical Society
$ 5,800
MidCountry Bank
Kohls Farms Llc
$ 5,745
Darwin Outpost, Inc.
$ 5,700
Citizens Bank & Trust Co
Joshua Baumgartner
$ 5,600
Glenwood State Bank Incorporated
David Muellner Construction
$ 5,424
Perennial Bank
T.d. Harper Trucking
$ 5,400
Minnwest Bank
Sara Miller
$ 5,341
Center National Bank
Tori Rogers
$ 5,305
MidCountry Bank
North Sibley Insurance Services Inc
$ 5,300
MidCountry Bank
Jaylor's Cleaning Llp
$ 5,017
Perennial Bank
Steven Roth
$ 4,920
Center National Bank
Gregory Euerle
$ 4,900
Center National Bank
Litchfield Area Mentorship Program-kinship
$ 4,827
Center National Bank
Litchfield Area Mentorship Program - Kinship
$ 4,800
Center National Bank
Ronald Kohls
$ 4,767
Thomas Goodman
$ 4,753
Tinsmith Heating, Inc.
$ 4,750
Home State Bank
Roxanne Wettstein
$ 4,738
Square Capital, LLC
Larry Stoffer
$ 4,701
MidCountry Bank
Litchfield Self Serve Laundry Llc
$ 4,700
CorTrust Bank National Association