Search PPP Loan List in Tukwila, Washington

Small Business Administration (SBA) released a list of all the businesses their loan amount with Bank and business details.\

Business Name
Ahmadou Niangado
$ 12,901
Customers Bank
Saynab Ali
$ 12,900
Sound Community Bank
Hailu Tadesse Shibeshi
$ 12,826
Customers Bank
Hailu Tadesse Shibeshi
$ 12,826
Customers Bank
Mohamed Isse
$ 12,775
Benworth Capital
Chadd Berry
$ 12,772
Seattle Economic Development Fund dba Community Ca
Johnnie Davis
$ 12,690
U.S. Bank, National Association
Justin Babish
$ 12,688
Customers Bank
Basir Ahmad Surkhabi
$ 12,685
MBE Capital Partners
Adam Ismali
$ 12,685
Amur Equipment Finance, Inc.
Diamond Window Tinting Inc
$ 12,655
Harborstone CU
Gashan I Ahmed
$ 12,585
Itria Ventures LLC
Bronwen Stevenson
$ 12,570
Prestamos CDFI, LLC
Abdirahman Ali
$ 12,562
Capital Plus Financial, LLC
Hassan Moalim
$ 12,562
Customers Bank
Ahmed B Abdalla
$ 12,507
Itria Ventures LLC
Abdiwali Mohamed Cpa Pllc
$ 12,500
Boeing Empl CU
Nimao Dahir
$ 12,500
Sound Community Bank
Ilih Abdul
$ 12,500
Itria Ventures LLC
Tireey Williams
$ 12,450
Prestamos CDFI, LLC
Hanibal Yohannes
$ 12,432
U.S. Bank, National Association
Trucking Transportation
$ 12,413
Itria Ventures LLC
Faisal A Jama
$ 12,397
Fountainhead SBF LLC
Thomas O'neill Consulting Inc
$ 12,372
Bank of America, National Association
Ramirez And Balderas Llc
$ 12,309
Customers Bank