Search PPP Loan List in VERNON, Connecticut

Small Business Administration (SBA) released a list of all the businesses their loan amount with Bank and business details.\

Business Name
Omega Services Llc
$ 3,700
Newtek Small Business Finance, Inc.
Victoria Wormell
$ 3,700
Customers Bank
C C Nail & Spa
$ 3,650
Bank of America, National Association
Wanda Hernandez
$ 3,538
Cross River Bank
Michelle Marie Deluco
$ 3,500
KeyBank National Association
Dana Valentino
$ 3,422
Prestamos CDFI, LLC
Wanda Hernandez
$ 3,332
Cross River Bank
Fk&st Llc
$ 3,300
Customers Bank
Meghan Zanin
$ 3,228
Square Capital, LLC
Cassidy Hwalek
$ 3,213
Square Capital, LLC
Marcy Kelly Dba Marcy K Kelly
$ 3,200
Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
Andrea Bugden
$ 3,040
Square Capital, LLC
Andrea Bugden
$ 3,004
Square Capital, LLC
Christen Scott Studio
$ 2,526
Customers Bank
Elizabeth Bragg
$ 2,443
Itria Ventures LLC
Tamra Daigle
$ 2,441
Square Capital, LLC
Philip Delgiudice Dba Philip Delgiudice
$ 2,342
Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
Darius Banks
$ 2,123
Square Capital, LLC
Darius Banks
$ 2,098
Square Capital, LLC
Kasey Matson Photography Llc
$ 2,015
Itria Ventures LLC
You Can Learn Kits
$ 1,894
Cross River Bank
Judith Handler Dba Judith A Handler
$ 1,890
Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
Di Wu
$ 1,627
Customers Bank
Ez Super Llc
$ 1,467
Santander Bank, National Association
Skill Progression Services Llc
$ 1,268
Bank of America, National Association